Grants available for projects that support social well-being

A past recipient of funding from CBT’s Social Grants Program is Valemount's Canoe Valley Community Association, which is supporting a community hub for families with young children.
Groups with projects that support social well-being and address social issues in Basin communities are invited to apply to Columbia Basin Trust’s (CBT’s) Social Grants Program. The deadline is January 9, 2014.
After considering input from socially focused groups, CBT has adjusted this third intake of the three-year pilot program in two key ways: 1) the program will now have one intake per year (with $1 million in funding available) and 2) there will be increased support available to applicants in developing projects and moving through the application process.
“We received feedback that applicants would like more support and guidance, which we’re pleased we can now provide,” said Sabrina Curtis, CBT director, Sector Initiatives. “Plus a larger volume of funds available in a single intake will help ensure that more applicants with strong projects that are ready to move forward will receive funding when they need it.”
CBT is committing increased resources to help applicants determine which projects are eligible for the program, discuss projects with them and guide them through the application process. The January 9 deadline means groups have over two months to work with CBT to prepare their applications. Groups interested in applying should contact CBT to access support from a Social Grants Program advisor.
Granting decisions are made by the Social Grants Program Selection Committee, a volunteer group of Basin residents that includes individuals who have experience and expertise in the social sector and individuals who have broader community development experience.
For more information about the program, and to download guidelines and the application form, visit