Four housing projects move to RFP phase

BC Housing has assisted in similar affordable housing projects across BC including this project in 100 Mile House.
Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) and BC Housing have selected four proposals to move to the next phase of the Affordable Rental Housing initiative (ARHi):
• Salmo Supportive Housing Society, Salmo
• Elk Valley Family Society, Fernie
• Nelson CARES Society, Nelson
• Revelstoke Community Housing Society, Revelstoke
The partners evaluated nine submissions against the criteria requirements of the Request for Pre-qualifications (RFPQ) issued in March.
The four successful proponents will be sent an invitational Request for Proposals (RFP) to develop a full response, including a complete business case, for their project. At this time, they may also be eligible to receive support from BC Housing to engage a consultant to assist in developing their response to the RFP; however, final granting decisions under the ARHi will not be made until the next phase of the RFP process.
The deadline for the RFP will be set for fall 2012, and CBT and BC Housing will evaluate the proposals to determine which projects will receive grant funding under the ARHi before the end of the year.
Communities, including proponents unsuccessful in this phase, will have an opportunity to respond to a second call for proposals in the spring of 2013.
All inquiries about the RFPQ evaluation process and outcomes should be directed to Mike Lachocki at BC Housing at [email protected].
CBT is contributing $5 million toward this three-year, $10-million initiative that is being delivered in partnership with BC Housing to support new affordable rental housing projects in communities across the Columbia Basin.