Former Nelsonite hired to lead City development at exciting, busy time

Pam Mierau has been hired as Nelson's new Manager of Development Services.
Nelson — The City of Nelson has filled an important position in its managerial line up – with a former Heritage City resident no less.
Pam Mierau, a one-time Nelsonite and graduate of LV Rogers High School, has been hired as the City’s new Manager of Development Services. Her first day on the job will be November 17.
Mierau, whose parents and sister still live in town, comes with an impressive background garnered after numerous years spent overseeing development in one of the nation’s fastest growing cities – Calgary.
For the past five years she has worked as the City of Calgary’s Coordinator for Centre City Planning Policy. Most recently, she managed a staff of 15 planners responsible for policy work and development applications for nearly one-third of the booming Albertan city. Previous to this, Mierau worked as an Urban Planner with the City of Calgary, and a planner for a Calgary-based architecture firm. She holds a Masters of Environmental Design, an Urban Design Certificate, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication.
Nelson City Manager Kevin Cormack says Mierau’s vast experience is a valuable and timely asset in dealing with current and future development projects here in town.
“We believe Pam has a very unique set of skills,“ says Cormack, “one that will allow the City to start building buy-in from residents, business and property owners in general, and the development community.”
“The City has put a lot of excellent planning work in place over the past five years,” Cormack adds, “Pam’s exceptional communication skills and the experience she has working with both the public and development community will assist in bridging the gap between policy and its practical application.”
Cormack notes that Mierau’s arrival comes amidst an unprecedented level of new development interest in Nelson, with applications being made at a pace never seen before.
There has also been a relatively new team of staffers overseeing development throughout the past six months, and the establishment of a new department that combined development services and engineering. Senior planner Dave Wahn retired, his replacement, Allen Fillion, moved on to work with the City of West Kelowna, and a third planner hired on a short term contract, Rossland’s Mike Maturo, opted to step down early.
“It’s been a challenging time for the department,“ says Cormack. “We were fortunate to have the interim assistance we had, and everyone did a great job stepping in to fill the gaps. Pam’s arrival is really going to solidify the management structure in the Development Services and Engineering department, at a very exciting and busy time.”