Fore! Kootenay Rockies golf courses swing into spring

Kootenay Rockies Tourism has released a list of the region's golf courses that are now open, and the projected opening date of all the courses throughout the Kootenay Rockies region.
Kootenay Rockies golf courses are preparing to open for the 2012 golf season—many are open already. Check the list below to find out where you can play now or projected opening dates.
- Balfour Golf Course - April 13
- Bootleg Gap - April 20
- Castlegar Golf Club - mid-April
- Christina Lake - Open
- Copper Point Golf Club - Open
- Copper Point - The Ridge - Open
- Cranbrook - April 13
- Creston - Open
- Eagle Ranch - Open
- Fernie - May 11
- Golden - early May
- Granite Pointe in Nelson - May 1
- Greywolf at Panorama - early May
- Mountainside at Fairmont - Open
- Kimberley Golf Club - April 20
- Kokanee Springs - April 19
- The Springs at Radium - Open
- Redstone in Rossland - April 30
- Revelstoke - April 27
- Riverside at Fairmont - Open
- Shadow Mountain - Opening Soon - April 21-tentative
- St. Eugene - April 19
- Trickle Creek Golf Resort - May 11
- Wildstone Golf Course - April 20
- Windermere Valley - Open
9 Hole, Par-3s, executive courses:
- Kaslo Golf Course - April 23
- Little Bear, Castlegar - April 12
- Spur Valley, Radium - April 11
Source: Kootenay Rockies newsletter