Focus on COTR math and science program advisory committee

University Studies math and science program advisory committee: Back Row (left to right): Dr. Jack Loeppky (Retired Research Scientist); Rick Allen (Program Manager; Environment Columbia Basin Trust); Dr. David Dick (COTR Chemistry Instructor); Dr. Mary Louise Polzin (Interior Reforestation Senior Ecologist); Russ Kinghorn; P. Eng.; Michael Keefer (Keefer Ecological Services Ltd.); Sean Abram, P.Eng. (ABRAM Consulting); Mark Paron (Mount Baker Math Instructor); Denis Petryshen (RPF, Stewardship Supervisor, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations); Karen Langan (COTR Articulation Officer). Front Row (left to right): Dr. Jim Bailey (COTR Math Instructor); Aidan Kelly Lindsay (COTR Student); Jared Bunch (Engineer-Focus Corporation); Wayne Stetski (Manager-East Kootenay Conservation); Sharon Richardson (COTR Department Head); Ann Rice (Retired COTR Biology Instructor); Dr. Laura Cooper (COTR Dean of Instruction). Missing from photo: Jeremy Zandbergen (Director of Authorizations with Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (Cranbrook); Brenda Bruns, (COTR Student).
College of the Rockies has a program advisory committee for many of its program areas. These committees are made up of college personnel, students and members of business and industry related to that particular program area, who provide input to keep the college’s training up to industry standards.
The University Studies math and science program advisory committee, for example, continues to strengthen and expand the math and science courses and programs at the college.
The committee members meet two to four times a year to offer their expertise and encourage innovative approaches to learning, to advise on current trends in the field and provide suggestions for new programs. The advisory process allows the college to remain current with the knowledge, skills, approaches and values identified by committee members and maintain a valuable link to our community.
Dean of Instruction, University Studies Dr. Laura Cooper noted, “We have great appreciation for the guidance provided by the members on the various COTR program advisory committees. In particular, the members of the math and science advisory committee are extremely engaged in contributing to the strategic vision for math and science studies at COTR.”
Wayne Stetski, chair of the committee added, "College of the Rockies is a very important part of our community and our economy. Building the best possible and most relevant math and science curriculum ensures high quality learning, motivated students and recognition for Cranbrook as a place of higher learning.
“The members of the advisory committee have been most impressed with how hard the college is working to expand the opportunity for students in (these) areas. As community members, who owe much to these areas of learning for our own success in life, we are very pleased to be able to support COTR in this important endeavour."
For more information on College of the Rockies’ program advisory committees call 250-489-2751 ext. 3541.