Field, B.C., finally gets cellphone coverage

The residents of Field, B.C. get cellphone coverage.
August 2012 will be a month to remember in Field – the month someone turned the cellphones on. Residents of the Rocky Mountain town of Field, B.C. have finally gotten cellphone coverage after communications company Telus installed a new tower in the community.
While the town’s inclusion into the world of modern communications is a boon for some, others are saddened by its loss of status as a place where one can truly disconnect.
“It made us unique, it was part of the charm,” said restaurant owner Jennifer Coffman.
Field is located in the southeast corner of B.C., just over the border from Banff in Alberta.
About 26 million Canadians use cellphones and there still many towns across the country without service.
Telus has plans hook up at least 100 communities by the end of 2012.