Fernie calls for downtown parking input

The City of Fernie is conducting a survey of businesses in order to gather information for the development of a parking management plan for the historic downtown core area and the commercial area along Seventh Avenue in the Annex. We’d like to work with you to better understand your approach to parking and loading, and to survey your employees, visitors, and customers in order to better understand their perspectives on parking and accessibility.
The goal for these two surveys is to understand:
- How do your customers and employees reach you?
- How do you manage parking and loading/deliveries?
- How do customers travel to businesses and is it easy for them to find parking when they drive?
The Business Survey is a two page form that takes less than five minutes to complete and asks business owners/operators about employee/customer parking and loading/deliveries. The customer survey consists of postcards that we’d like your members to keep in a high-visibility location (by the till or checkout, for instance) and to encourage customers to complete (less than two minutes).
Once you’ve completed the survey, you can return it by:
- Dropping it off at City Hall’s front desk
- Giving it to City staff when they collect the surveys after January 10th
- Faxing it to Halcrow Consulting at 604.293.2892
- Mailing it to Halcrow Consulting
- Emailing your response to [email protected]
Please complete your survey by January 10th, 2011.
If you have any questions, comments, or would like any clarification on this, please don’t hesitate to contact Desmond Bliek [email protected]