Ex-Apple computers sales leader exposes the 7 Deadly Sins of Selling

KRIC's Tara Penner poses with sales trainer Ian Selbie after his sales seminar, The 7 Deadly Sins of Selling
Recently I attended an event presented and sponsored by KRIC and KAST sales trainer and former Apple Computer sales leader, Ian Selbie. Based in Vancouver, Selbie presented a sales training seminar in both Cranbrook and Nelson.
Here are are Ian Selbie's 7 Deadly Sins of Selling:
1) Calling at the non-decision maker level
2) Not qualifying — it's all about qualifying not closing
3) Not using a consistent sales process
4) Falling into the premature proposal trap
5) Not having a documented sales plan
6) Not using your most powerful sales tools
7) Thinking CRM (customer relations management) will fix you.
He also suggested a good salesperson should be like a business doctor, find the pain and bring the gain to any selling situation. He cautioned against the danger of become a "quote goat." Proposals don't sell — people do. He went on to suggest that sales people should stop the Request For Proposal (RFP) madness. If you can't meet with the person issuing the RFP and find out their real requirements and needs chances are they have already made their decision to purchase somewhere else.
Ian Selbie's claim to fame was his 1984 meeting with Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs — a business person that few can deny truly made "a dent in the universe."
For more info on Ian Selbie visit his website.