Don’t miss one of the premier networking events of the year

This may be the best $25 you spend this year! We invite you to attend the first-ever Kootenay Reverse Trade Show organized by the Kootenay Rockies Economic Alliance (KRREA). This will be your opportunity to network and enjoy lunch with many of the key decision makers in Kootenay industry, commerce, municipal and regional government.
You can connect with purchasing and manager representatives from Teck Coal, the City of Kimberley, Regional District of East Kootenay, Panorama Resort, the City of Cranbrook, Canadian Rockies International Airport, Columbia Basin Trust, Shadow Mountain Resort, KRIC, College of the Rockies, BDC, Ascendant Technology, and more.
KRREA has designed a program, which will include a trade show (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.), a luncheon with guest keynote speaker Rick Jensen, CEO of Panorama Mountain Resort (12 to 1 p.m.)
What is a reverse tradeshow? It allows sellers and service providers to meet directly with potential buyers and purchasers of services and products. The whole idea of the Kootenay Reverse Trade Show is to foster more business activity between Kootenay-based companies.
Who is KRREA? The Kootenay Rockies Regional Economic Alliance was formed three years ago to champion the region’s economy, identify economic challenges and opportunities and to work collaboratively to recommend and effect actions that benefit our region, communities and citizens.
Our work indicates that the number one way to increase business in the East Kootenay is through local business working with local business. Therefore, we are designing opportunities for you, one of our East Kootenay businesses, to meet and do business with other Kootenay companies from our region.
What: Kootenay Reverse Trade Show
When: Thursday, November 4th, 2010 – 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Where: Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort. Van Horne Street, Cranbrook, B.C.
Lunch: 12 to 1 p.m.
Keynote speaker: Rick Jensen, CEO Panorama Resort
Admission: $25 per person includes tradeshow and luncheon.
Tickets are available at the door, or you can call in advance to confirm your attendance to executive director Sheila Gamble 250-919-2871 or [email protected].
Remember, seating is limited so call today!