Creston airport builds new hangars

One the Kootenays' best kept secrets is the Art Sutcliffe Field—more commonly known now as the Creston Valley Regional Airport.
This small airport is tucked away just south of the town of Creston. It is supported by an active flying club, which has spurred a number of improvements to the airport in recent years.
Work has included repaving the apron, improving access for the medivac helipad and building a number of new all-season, all-weather hangars to accommodate local and visiting aircraft. The Creston Valley Regional Airport Society recently held their successful Airport Appreciation Days at the field.
The Creston Valley Airport is six kilometres south of town with an airstrip 3,945 feet long, 75 feet wide, lighted with PAPI approach lights and non-directional beacons. Fuel is available and there is limited winter maintenance.