Cranbrook’ s YXC reports 10% increase in passenger traffic in 2014

Terry Chou, Communications, YVR; Steve Michoulas, Director, Legal Services YVR; Krystal Porter, YXC; and Jamie Roche, YXC at the recent Chamber of Commerce luncheon. — Marie Milner photo
Representatives from the Canadian Rockies International Airport (YXC) recently made a presentation at the monthly Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Jamie Roche, YXC; Krystal Porter, YXC; A. Steve Michoulas, Director, Legal Services YVR; and Terry Chou, Communications, YVR were part of the presentation.
With just under 129,000 passengers coming and going at the airport, YXC reported a 10% increase in traffic in 2014. This was attributed to the two air service carriers, Air Canada and Pacific Coastal Airlines, continuing to increase their flight capacities at the airport.
In the near future Air Canada will increase access to Calgary by putting on another flight, adding a 5:00 pm arrival and 5:30 departure to Calgary. Pacific Coastal Airlines introduced a Cranbrook-to-Kelowna flight in late 2013.
YXC also is seeing a number of charter and special purpose flights to and from the airport. These flights service a number of resources projects in the north.
Also at the Chamber luncheon was a representative of Vancouver’s YVR airport. YVR has the operating contract for YXC. YVR continues to see amazing growth with 19 million passengers traveling through the Vancouver International Airport’s facilities last year, reported Steve Michoulas, Director, Legal Services at YVR.