Cranbrook delegation visits Asia-Pacific

The purpose of the delegation was to foster ties with the Asia-Pacific business and technology sector.
The City of Cranbrook had applied for a $50,000 grant back in 2010 to help foster the Asia-Pacific twinning process. This was reported in the Daily Townsman back in 2010:
"Cranbrook economic development officer Kevin Weaver met with the South Korea Consul, General Vancouver at the end of September. City administration is tentatively planning a trip to South Korea before the end of the year to formalize the twinning agreement.
The relationship will focus on natural resource development, technology and specialty manufacturing, development of investment opportunities for Korean investors/businesses, post-secondary education and tourism.
The funding agreement between the Ministry of Community and Rural Development and the City of Cranbrook has been extended to December 2010 in order for Cranbrook to develop a twinning relationship with an Asia Pacific community.
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, United States, became Cranbrook's sister in 1987 to promote international relations and goodwill and develop stronger ties in commerce, education, culture, industry and sciences. The intent of the Asia Pacific twinning initiative is primarily to foster new business and economic development opportunities.
The City entered into a $50,000 funding agreement with the province for the twinning relationship program in 2008 and while the term of agreement was set to expire March 31, 2010, the province supports the City's desire to establish a twinning relationship and so the funding was extended."
Full details of the trip will be presented at an upcoming Cranbrook City Council meeting.