Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce manager awarded Diamond Jubilee Award

The Diamond Jubilee Medal was created to mark the 2012 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The medal honours the significant contributions and achievements of Canadians.
Karin Penner, longtime manager of the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce was among the recipients of the award. She was recognized for her dedication and outstanding efforts in programs like the Cranbrook Youth Ambassadors, Toastmasters and various chamber events and activities.
At the recent regular monthly luncheon meeting, held at the St. Eugene Mission Resort, of the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Jeanette Sissions, treasurer of the Cranbrook Chamber and representative of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce congratulated Karin with a beautiful boutique of flowers.
It was the Canadian Chamber of Commerce who put Karin's name forward for this prestigious award. Kootenay Business magazine joins in congratulating Karin Penner on this outstanding achievement.