Cranbrook Arches celebrate grand opening

A good crowd turned out to celebrate the Cranbrook Arches grand opening.
Built across the highway at the east and west town limits, the arches became a distinctive landmark for visitors and residents. They lasted until increasing traffic in the 1950s necessitated the widening of what is now Highway 3the main thoroughfare through the City. The original arches were demolished, and their stones and mortar incorporated in the new roadbed.
With the closure of the west end of Baker Street in 1998, a new entrance to the downtown area at 9th Avenue and Highway 3 was established. In 2005, Cranbrook’s centennial year, the Downtown Business Association made the rebuilding of the arches and the revitalizing of the main entrance to downtown its top priority. To start this project, seed money was raised by selling centennial calendars.
Local tradespeople, businesses and city residents alike gave freely of their time and expertise. Stonemasons hand picked the rocks, sorted and placed them in traditional artistry.
On April 30, 2010, two time capsules were placed in each arch support column before it was capped and sealed. They are to be opened in 2055—Cranbrook’s 150th anniversary.
The task of recreating the original arches was finished in June 2010. The opening celebration of the Cranbrook Arches Project was held on Saturday, September 11. Resurrecting the Cranbrook arches has proved to be a symbol of pride—once more enticing visitors and locals alike to explore and enjoy our historic downtown.