COTR contract training bringing back presenters

Julia King Tamang is one of three presenters returning to facilitate workshops for College of the Rockies Contract Training and Business Development.
The College of the Rockies Contract Training and Business Development department is providing high-quality training to local businesses and their employees through a series of upcoming workshops. Scheduled throughout the fall, the workshops will be facilitated by presenters who are well-respected in the industry.
The first two workshops will be presented by Mario Govorchin, a member of the Holloway Zaiser Group. Govorchin is a dynamic, energetic and entertaining speaker and trainer with over 20 years of experience in the field of human relations consulting. He will be leading a workshop on interpersonal conflict management on November 26 and 27 and then will facilitate managing hostile interactions on November 28.
The series continues on December 6 and 7 with The Leader Within presented by Dale Zaiser. A respected and sought-after facilitator, speaker and adult educator in the field of organizational development and human relations, Zaiser brings with him extensive experience in designing and delivering programs for improving interpersonal relations in both the private and public sectors.
Julia King Tamang, director of the contract programs division for LERN, the world’s largest association serving professionals in lifelong learning, will be the facilitator for the final two workshops in this series. She will begin with Successful Communication Under Pressure on December 11 and conclude with Leading the Way in Customer Service and Retention on December 12.
Tracey Whiting, manager of Contract Training and Business Development, said “We are so pleased to be working with Mario, Dale and Julia again. We have had numerous requests to bring each of them back to Cranbrook, which speaks well of their delivery and training material.”
All workshops take place from 9 am to 4 pm and have limited number of seats available so interested participants are encouraged to register early.
“These workshops provide practical skills that can be used immediately and there is always a high level of engagement in the classes between the trainer and participants. Great team discussions often begin during this training,” Whiting said.
For more information or to register for any of these workshops, contact Bonnie New at 250-489-2751 ext. 3440 or email [email protected]