COTR students receive BC Hydro awards

Back row (left to right): College of the Rockies financial assistance and awards advisor Lois Murray, Luke Meeds, Patrick Savrnoch, BC Hydro EK community relations manager Dianne Tammen; seated: Brenda Bruns and Sonny Green. Other recipients who could not make the photo were Natalina Albota, Bryson Palmer, Ronald Blackmore, Shannon Whalen and Britton Taylor
Nine students were recently presented with $1,000 BC Hydro bursaries for trades or environmental studies programs at College of the Rockies.
BC Hydro donated the one-time awards to students from communities around the East Kootenay for full-time studies in trades or environmental studies who had financial need and also had some community service or volunteerism. The funding was made available through BC Hydro’s regional donations and sponsorship programs.
Diane Tammen, East Kootenay Community relations manager for BC Hydro said, “We would like to congratulate the students who were awarded the scholarships. We were pleased to contribute the awards to new students in nine East Kootenay communities.”
Financial assistance and awards advisor Lois Murray added, “College of the Rockies would like to thank BC Hydro for their generous donation and support of our students and our programs.”
For more information on COTR scholarships and awards go to: www.