Community Futures Board Member Wins Award
This award recognizes an individual who has shown an outstanding and ongoing volunteer effort to Community Futures

Bob Wright was presented with the Al McCracken Memorial Award at the 2017 Community Futures British Columbia Conference in Quesnel, B.C. on September 15, 2017. — Photo courtesy Community Futures
Community Futures Central Kootenay would like to congratulate Bob Wright on his win of the Al McCracken Memorial Award at the 2017 Community Futures British Columbia Conference in Quesnel, B.C., on September 15. This award recognizes an individual who has shown an outstanding and ongoing volunteer effort to Community Futures both locally and provincially.
Bob Wright is a life-long resident of the Central Kootenay Region. He joined Community Futures Central Kootenay (CFCK) Board of Directors in 1994. Since then, he has been an integral member of Community Futures, serving as vice chair for 12 years and chair for eight years. Wright also served as a board member for Community Futures British Columbia, serving as chair for his third term.
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time as a volunteer for Community Futures,” said Wright. “It’s a great organization that has provided the opportunity to help businesses in Central Kootenay along their road to success. I am especially honoured to receive this award, as I had the opportunity to know Al when he was alive, he was such an admiral guy.”
In addition to his time spent on the board, Wright also served as a member of the CFCK loans committee, the CFCK nominating committee responsible for engaging the Executive Director and recruiting Board members, as well as Chairing the Nelson & Area Economic Development partnership—a partnership between Community Futures Central Kootenay, the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce, the City of Nelson and the Regional District Areas E and F. In addition to his work with Community Futures, he also volunteers with numerous organizations in the community, serving as School Board Trustee and Director of the Canadian Society of Social Development to name a couple.
“Bob Wright has been a great leader and a mentor in Community Futures for many years,” says Andrea Wilkey, Executive Director of CFCK. “He brings an easy smile and a deep knowledge of our organization and community to all that he does.”
Bob left the Community Futures Central Kootenay Board in 2015 in recognition of Board of Directors term limits, yet, he stayed engaged, mentoring new Board members and the new Chair. In 2016 Bob rejoined the Board of Directors where he continues to serve as Past Chair, bringing valuable historical knowledge about the organization, community insights and ongoing mentoring to new Board members.
About Community Futures Central Kootenay
Community Futures Central Kootenay, in operation since 1985, is a not-for-profit community economic development organization. CFCK committed to helping people in the Central Kootenay region who are either operating or are planning to start their own business. Please see