Columbia Power’s future, beyond the Waneta Expansion Project

Columbia Power's Wally Penner and Audrey Repin pose in front of the Waneta dam early on in the project.
Castlegar – Columbia Power wants to hear from you. We have embarked on a consultation project to gather feedback and insight from the public to help in the process of determining what’s next for the corporation.
The consultation is intended to tell the Columbia Power story, seek feedback on our proposed strategy, and gather information on how we can communicate most effectively with the community going forward.
To date, the consultation has consisted of open houses in Castlegar and Trail and various presentations to local government, key stakeholders and industry, First Nations and community groups, and has included online participation.
Consultation continues in 2013 with a short online questionnaire, presentations to individual community and interest groups, and an open house in Meadow Creek on Tuesday, January 15.
Please visit Columbia Power's Strategic Plan before January 31, to learn more and to fill out the short online survey. All feedback is valuable and appreciated and Columbia Power would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to participate and provide their input.
At the end of this process, a report will be developed with feedback received. The report will be available online.
Columbia Power is a Crown corporation wholly owned and controlled by the Province of British Columbia. Columbia Power’s mandate is to manage assets and undertake power project investments as the agent of the Province. For more information, please visit