College of the Rockies providing training needed for in-demand jobs
College of the Rockies is in excellent position to provide the education students need to fill these roles.

"We are well-equipped to help prepare students for these in-demand positions," says Stan Chung, College of the Rockies Vice President, Academic and Applied Research. — Photo courtesy
WorkBC’s British Columbia Labour Market Outlook was released on October 30, 2015. According to its findings, College of the Rockies is providing the training needed to fill forecasted job openings.
The BC Labour Market Outlook provides the most current information on the kinds of jobs and skills that will be in demand in our province between now and 2024. The report also details projected job openings in key occupations and industries by region.
According to the Outlook, there will be almost one million job openings in BC over the next decade. Most of these jobs will require post-secondary training with the largest share, approximately 42 percent, calling for a college education or apprenticeship training.
The South East region of the province, where College of the Rockies’ campuses are located, is expected to have the highest employment demand in the province. As the population of our region is substantially older in comparison to the province as a whole, a significant number of the projected job openings will come as a result of retirements with the remainder arising from economic growth.
Province-wide one of the largest areas of growth is expected to be in the Business, Finance and Administration occupations. College of the Rockies is in excellent position to provide the education students need to fill these roles.
College Vice President Academic and Applied Research, Stan Chung, notes, “We offer three Office Administration certificates as well as a variety of Business Administration certificates and diplomas, our Bachelor of Business Administration: Sustainable Business Practices and post-degree certificates and diplomas.
Significant job openings are also projected for the trades, with positions expected to become available for a variety of specialties, especially carpenters and cooks.
“The College’s numerous foundation and Red Seal apprenticeship level programs, including those in Carpentry and Professional Cook training, can prepare students to fill the job openings expected in our region,” adds Chung. “Many of our programs accept students for the January semester, so students can apply now and begin preparing for their futures in these high-demand careers.”