College of the Rockies by the numbers
Over 700+ students and job seekers attended the annual College of the Rockies Career Fair and Chamber luncheon.
At the recent Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce luncheon and College of Rockies Career Fair, College president and CEO David Walls highlighted some pertinent numbers on the positive impact of the College has on the East Kootenay.
Here are some of the key numbers from his presentation:
- $35 million annual operating budget
- 850 employees (300 Full-time equivalent)
- 11,620 Students (2267 Full-time equivalent)
- $27.2 million -- Net impact of added regional income from college payroll and expenses in our region
- 990 students relocated to our college region to attend classes, including International students.
- $3.2 million: Out-of-region student spending -- added income to the region.
- $176.4 million: Effect of former College of the Rockies students on the regional economy in added income.
- Recruitment goal next three years: 203 more domestic students and 130 more international students
Over 700+ students and job seekers attended the annual College of the Rockies Career Fair and Chamber luncheon which ran on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 9th.