College hosting annual Open House

College of the Rockies' faculty and staff look forward to welcoming prospective students, parents and community members to the annual Open House.
College of the Rockies is hosting an Open House for prospective students on Wednesday, February 5 from 4 to 6 pm in the Cranbrook main campus cafeteria. College faculty and staff will be on hand to help adult learners, high school students and parents explore career, education and upgrading options.
Find out how to finance your education from the Financial Aid and Awards Officer, including details of the Entrance Awards available to new students. Talk to an Education Advisor about course selection, prerequisites and the over 80 transfer agreements the College has with universities across Canada and abroad. Learn about services available through the Aboriginal Education Coordinator and Disability and Learning Support Coordinator.
Discover what it’s like to live in the dorms from the Residence Supervisor or chat with the Career and Employment Officer about what career opportunities exist in the field of your choice. Looking to find out more about extra-curricular sports and activities? The Campus Life and Athletics staff will be on hand to give you details.
Representatives from all program areas will be available to answer your questions on career choices and program information. The Admissions and Registration staff will be there to help you to fill out an application form for the September semester and will waive the $30 application fee if you apply at the Open House.
While you’re here, why not get a free haircut or style from students enrolled in the college’s Hairstylist program? And be sure to look for Kinesiology and Practical Nursing students who will be presenting interactive demonstrations. Light refreshments will be available and all attendees are eligible to enter their name into a draw for a $300 tuition award.
For more information on the Open House, call Hugh at 250-489-2751 ext. 3329 or by email.