College employee recognized with BCCAT Award

College of the Rockies’ Articulation Officer, Karen Langan, proudly shows off her BCCAT Rising Star award.
College of the Rockies’ Articulation Officer, Karen Langan has been awarded the BC Council on Admissions & Transfer (BCCAT) Rising Star award at their joint annual meeting on November 14.
The Rising Star Award recognizes an individual who, while early on in her career, demonstrates exceptional leadership and accomplishment in the area of transfer and articulation within the BC Transfer System. To be eligible, the recipient must have worked in the area of articulation for five years or less.
Since becoming articulation officer, Langan’s achievements include updating the College’s transfer credit policy, developing College-wide articulation procedures and policies, maintaining an online database of provincial and international block transfer agreements on the College website and setting up numerous tracking systems to ensure smooth transfer credit processes for students. Some of the policies and procedures developed by Langan at COTR have been shared across the BCCAT system.
“I find my position as Articulation Officer at COTR to be very rewarding,” Langan explains. “In my role I am able to help support student mobility between institutions which, in turn, offers them more options for their educational pathways. To be recognized by my peers for this work is an honour.”
Articulation involves comparing the content of courses offered at College of the Rockies with courses at other post-secondary institutions to determine transferability of courses or programs from one institution to another. Langan not only searches out opportunities for students to transfer into College of the Rockies programs but also finds other institutions for College of the Rockies students to transfer to if they wish to complete a credential not available at the College.
Langan is well respected by her colleagues at the College, with Dean of Instruction Darrell Bethune saying, “Karen has been meticulous and zealous in her approach to ensuring College of the Rockies courses receive articulation. She is a valued colleague and worthy recipient of the BCCAT Rising Star Award. She has a rare ability to manage the many details of developing transfer agreements and within the College has shown tremendous teamwork in supporting the work for faculty, staff and administrators. Ultimately, students are the beneficiaries when they use the transfer agreements Karen has set up.”
The BC Council on Admissions & Transfer (BCCAT) oversees the BC Transfer System, enabling important links between the BC post-secondary institutions, the education ministries, and the public and private education sectors.