College/Chamber luncheon panel features local civic leaders

Don't miss your opportunity to hear the vision of these newly elected city and regional leaders.
Kootenay Business is pleased to invite you to the College of the Rockies/Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Wednesday, March 11th at the College gymnasium. This annual luncheon is one of largest attended of the year and proceeds the College of the Rockies Career Fair. Book early because space will be limited.
Kootenay Business magazine publisher, Keith Powell will be interviewing the acting mayor of Cranbrook Wesly Graham and the mayor of Kimberley Don McCormick, RDEK vice chair Wendy Booth and new Chamber of Commerce Executive Director David Hull.
It is your opportunity to hear the vision of these newly elected city and regional leaders. Don't miss it.
Please book your attendance at the luncheon directly with Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce at (250) 426-5914.