City announces inaugural sustainability awards

Councilors Paula Kiss (left) and Candace Batycki (right).
It’s a matter of thinking global, but acting local — and there’s $3,750 up for grabs for those who are doing it best.
Do you know a Nelson based group or individual showing leadership in sustainability initiatives? Now’s the time to let the rest of the City know.
In an effort to advance more sustainable business and volunteer practices, and to increase awareness of the City of Nelson’s community strategic plans, the City has will be handing out its first-ever round of Sustainability Leadership Awards.
"So much of what makes Nelson a remarkable place is the innovation and hard work of local groups and individuals. This award is a way to really recognize the leaders that are helping Nelson achieve the future
that we envisioned in our sustainability planning process,” says Councillor Candace Batycki.
“We sure couldn't get there if everyone sat around waiting for the municipality to take every action that's needed,” adds Councillor Paula Kiss. “So we want to give credit where it's due and celebrate how this kind
of leadership benefits us all.”
Kiss and Batycki, both of whom spearheaded the initiative, explain that the inaugural honours will come with awards of $1,500 (gold), $1,250 (silver) and $1,000 (bronze).
“They’ll be awarded to individuals, teams, businesses or organizations that contribute significantly to the City’s sustainability goals and objectives as per the Path to 2040 Sustainability Strategy and Nelson’s
Official Community Plan,” says Councillor Batycki.
The winners will have demonstrated leadership in moving Nelson towards its vision of being a prosperous, resilient community— one with robust ecosystems and safe, and welcoming neighbourhoods where
diversity, history and culture are all equally celebrated.
Individuals can nominate others or themselves. The nominations will be judged on five criteria, as outlined in the Path to 2040 Sustainability Strategy:
• Healthy Neighbourhoods (“Safe, welcoming, connected places with meaningful opportunities to interact with neighbours of all ages and income levels.”)
• Robust Ecosystems (“Ensuring natural systems are flourishing in Nelson.”)
• Cultural Strength (“Celebrating and embracing our history and our diversity through using our many arts, traditions heritage and recreation assets to enrich the quality of life for all citizens.”)
• Prosperity (“Fostering a diverse, value-added economy that provides meaningful employment opportunities and supports healthy and affordable lifestyles.”)
• Resiliency (“Maintaining and enhancing the economic, social, ecological and cultural systems that strengthen our ability to withstand future challenges”)
Nominations for the awards opened October 10, and closed November 3.
The nominations will be reviewed by a five-member selection committee, appointed by Council, with reps from five key sectors: social, environmental, economic, culture, and recreation/sport.
Applications for jury members are open until October 20.
The awards will be presented at the City’s Annual Reception held December 8th, on behalf of Council by the Sustainability Leadership Award Jury.
Nomination forms can be found at City Hall, and on-line at and can be dropped of or mailed to the City of Nelson Administration Department City Hall, Suite 101 – 310 Ward Street, Nelson, BC
V1L 5S4, call 250-352-8285 or e-mail [email protected].