Chamber of the Year 2011

Hats off to the directors, staff and management at the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce for being selected as Chamber of the Year 2011 by the BC Chamber of Commerce.
Connor Stewart, vice chair and Sean Campbell, chair of the Cranbrook Chamber were on hand at Wednesday's luncheon to accept the award.
Here's a statement from the BC Chamber: "The BC Chamber of Commerce is very proud to give the 2011 Chamber of the Year Award to the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce for being an innovative, exciting and engaging organization. It exemplifies the service that Chambers of Commerce provide. Whether it is their Business Expo, Awesome Auction or Annual Turkey Drive, the Cranbrook Chamber initiates well attended events that provide real value to their membership. It has taken a stand on several critical issues, such as their support for expanding Cranbrook city boundaries for the advantages it would give to businesses in the area, despite the stakeholder challenges they faced. The Cranbrook Chamber has also developed a policy process that consistently represents issues of importance to their business community."
Congratulations to all at the Cranbrook Chamber.