CBT continues to boost student employment with new school works program
New program and $3.5 million committed to student wage subsidies

Golden's Mountainside Gardens has benefitted from CBT's Summer Works Program for two years. From left to right: Pamela and Tyler Tetrault, co-owners, and Damian Mason, Summer Works employee.
CBT announces the School Works Program, as part of a $3.5 million commitment to increase employment opportunities for students in the Basin over the next three years.
This pilot program will provide an $8 per hour wage subsidy to encourage small businesses, non-profit, First Nation and public sector organizations in the Columbia Basin to provide part-time employment for full-time high school and post-secondary students in the Basin during the school year.
"The School Works Program benefits Basin-based students by encouraging small businesses and organizations in the region to hire students during the school year," said Neil Muth, CBT president and CEO. "This new program will complement our existing Summer Works program creating valuable work experience and strengthening the Basin labour force."
CBT anticipates the Summer Works and School Works programs will create up to 900 student jobs over the next three years. Both programs will be administered by College of the Rockies with the first School Works application intake in December 1, 2011 and the next Summer Works intake in February, 2012.
"We are very excited about continuing our partnership with CBT," said Tracey Whiting, College of the Rockies Contract Training and Business Development manager. "Our role is to ensure employers easily understand the program and that they are supported throughout the entire process."