CBC’s Daybreak South scoops up awards
The RTDNA Canada Awards recognize excellence in electronic journalism in BC.

CBC Radio Host Chris Walker accepts the RDTDNA Award in Toronto and is shown with Go Public producer Enza Uda — Photo courtesy CBC Daybreak South Facebook page
Popular CBC morning show Daybreak South out of Kelowna, which covers the entire Kootenay/Boundary region recently scooped up several awards at the RTDNA Canada Awards program.
Daybreak South host Chris Walker accepted the awards on behalf of the show.
RTDNA Canada, The Association of Electronic Journalists, is pleased to recognize excellence in electronic journalism in the BC Region.
RTDNA Canada Awards honour the best programs, stations and newsgathering organizations in radio, television and digital. “These awards are named after pioneers and innovators of our industry, and some of them were the founders of our association more than fifty years ago,” said RTDNA Canada President Ian Koenigsfest. “We’re pleased to continue celebrating excellence in electronic and digital journalism. Our founders would be proud of the quality of award winning local news coverage today.”
Dave Rogers Award – Short Feature
CBC News Nelson (Bob Keating) for Green Rush (Small/Medium Market)
Listen: http://www.rtdnacanada.com/cbc-news-nelson-for-green-rush-smallmedium-market/
Sports Award
CBC DayBreak South for Larry Kwong BC Sports Hall of Fame (Brady Strachan) (Large Market)
Link to story: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/1st-chinese-canadian-in-nhl-inducted-to-b-c-hall-of-fame-1.1860755
Congratulations Chris Walker, Brady Strachan, Bob Keating and everyone at CBC Daybreak South.