BC Hydro makes in-kind donation to COTR timber framing program

On site at the COTR Gold Creek Campus next to the delivered raw timber (L-R) Joe Gex, Timber Frame Program Instructor; Kim Buchan,Trades Training Department Head; and Chris Kovach, BC Hydro Vegetation Maintenance coordinator. The second picture shows the end product and one of the uses of the donated wood – a timber frame completed by COTR students.
BC Hydro recently made a contribution to the College of the Rockies (COTR) Trades Training department. As part of the Gold Creek Relocation and Mt. Baker System Upgrade Project, 300 cubic metres of timber needed to be cleared along Gold Creek Road to make way for construction of the new and recently completed, $450,000 distribution line servicing customer-owned critical telecommunication infrastructure and equipment located on Mount Baker. Kim Buchan, COTR Trades Training department head, expressed interest in the timber which is being used for the College’s Timber Framing Program, a 13-week program where students learn essential timber frame techniques as well as computer drafting, layout, design and joinery. The wood that is not used in the program will be made available to local charities for fund raising.
BC Hydro’s Community Investment programs provide support to community-based, non-profit organizations, registered charities and First Nations who are active in one of their key funding areas: Environment Sustainability, Community Leadership or Youth and Lifestyle, and align with business objectives. For more information about BC Hydro’s programs visit:bchydro.com.