6th Annual Career Fair at the College of the Rockies was successful

Kootenay Business publisher, Keith Powell, interviewed President and General Manager, Jeff Chynoweth and head coach, Kris Knoblauch of the Kootenay Ice. — Breanne Massey photo
The 6th Annual Career Fair at the College of the Rockies, organized by Kootenay Business, Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce and College of the Rockies, was held last Thursday. It attracted over 500 students and job seekers to the afternoon event.
"We were very pleased with the support and participation of the business community this year," said Keith Powell, publisher of Kootenay Business. "We had 43 businesses and professional organizations represented at the career fair, which was a record number and up substantially from last year. This gave attendees a great opportunity to connect with a wide variety of potential employers and find out about future career paths."
The career fair started with introductions by Lana Kirk, president of the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Nick Rubidge of the College of the Rockies.
This was followed up by an in-depth interview by Kootenay Business magazine publisher, Keith Powell, with president and general manager of the Kootenay Ice, Jeff Chynoweth and Kootenay Ice head coach Kris Knoblauch. The interview explored the winning attitude and legacy the WHL franchise has built and developed in Cranbrook and throughout the league.
Kootenay Business would like to thank all the attendees, exhibitors/employers, sponsors and partners. The career fair also generated two scholarships for future business administration students at the College of the Rockies for $1,500 each.