$5.4 million Pine Street upgrade to Creston entrance

The improvements to Creston's Pine Street-Railway Boulevard intersection with Highway 3 are nearing completion.
Improvements to the Pine Street-Railway Boulevard intersection with Highway 3 are nearing completion, the award of the major construction works contract went to Maglio Industries Ltd. of Castlegar.
“Highway 3 is a vital link for communities throughout the Kootenays. This improvement project is not just welcome news to residents in Creston, travellers on the highway will benefit from improved safety and better access to the Crowsnest,” said Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines, and MLA for Kootenay East.
The intersection at Pine Street and Railway Boulevard are being realigned to create a cross intersection and traffic signals will be installed. This will improve safety for motorists travelling on Highway 3 through Creston, and improve access to and from the highway for Creston residents.
“The ministry understands the importance of Highway 3 as a major trade and tourism route across southern B.C. This partnership with the Town of Creston to upgrade the Pine and Railway intersection will improve safety for all Highway 3 users travelling in, through and around the community,” said Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Todd Stone.
Construction began in early spring 2015 with completion anticipated by the end of June 2015. The total project value is approximately $5.4 million, with funding coming from the Province of B.C. and the Town of Creston.
“The Town of Creston Council is very pleased to be a participant in this important Highway 3 safety improvement, and we look forward to continued future Highway 3 improvements from Hope to the Alberta border," added Creston Mayor Ron Toyota.