$1 Billion worth of projects in Trail fuels regional airport

Photo courtesy Kootenay South website.
A Business in Vancouver article recently reported on the surge in activity at the Trail Regional Airport (TRA) located in Waneta, just south of the City of Trail. Pacific Coastal Airlines flies a regular daily schedule in and out of the TRA.
"As more than $1 billion in local infrastructure projects drive a surge of passengers at the Trail Regional Airport (TRA), a keen community group is pushing for an airport expansion to continue the region's economic growth."
Mike Martin is chairman of Trail area economic development group Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society.
He said a small volunteer group started the public airport operations in 2005 to show that the region could handle a second airport beyond what is now the West Kootenay Regional Airport, approximately 40 kilometres away from the TRA.
He pointed out that TRA passenger volumes are expected to surge more than 30 per cent this year to hit about 30,000.
Two key infrastructure projects are driving the increase: a $900 million Waneta Dam expansion and $335 million in upgrades planned for Teck Resources Ltd.'s Trail smelter.
Martin said he's expecting TRA passenger numbers to grow further, though at a more marginal rate. He said, with the airport's viability demonstrated, local airport proponents are pushing for regional district funding for an airport expansion and permanent paid staff.
He said running the airport with volunteers isn't sustainable because they range in age from 60 to 80.
He believes the Trail airport is crucial to developing the region, as the neighbouring West Kootenay airport struggles with flight reliability due to weather challenges.
"When we're trying to attract business people and people coming in for vacations, they want confidence that they can get in and out of here," he said, adding that "Trail has achieved 10 to 15 per cent greater flight reliability than its neighbour.”
Nice to see Trail and the Kootenays get some well-deserved press.