All sewed up
This shop is about more than quilting

Tina Ihas loves working with colour at her sewing/quilting shop in Trail. —
Photo courtesy Sugar Shack Quilting Co. Ltd.
Kootenay Business caught up with Tina Ihas, owner of sewing centre Sugar Shack Quilting Co. Ltd., in Trail's blossoming downtown. She likes to point out that the store is about a lot more than just quilting.
What got you into this business?
I began my business in my home in November 2005 as a way to make a little extra money and to be able to stay home with my children. My youngest at the time was only about six months old. Since then, I have expanded to a bright, beautiful and—I like to think—moderately successful sewing/quilting store in Trail's blossoming downtown. Just over two years ago, I bought the inventory and some of the contracts (including servicing high school sewing machines) from Carter's Sewing Centre, which had been in Trail just shy of 40 years. I also inherited the service technician from Carter's. He has 10 years' experience and is here full-time. And my husband is a technician-in-training. We offer a quick turnaround on repairs.
Describe the ambience of your shop.
The store encompasses sewing, crafting and quilting—it's not just about the quilting. I rearranged the store so that the crafting area is more visible. People come to sit and sew and just hang out. It's fun for me so I want other people to have fun. It's really homey; there's a chair at the door for husbands to sit. I offer really personal service and am willing to offer solutions. I'm willing to chat! It's just a friendly place.
Tell us about your products and services.
I was lucky enough to acquire some inventory from a stitch shop in Creston—Victorian Cottage Treasures. We now carry a huge assortment of quilting fabrics, a fair assortment of basic sewing fabrics, thousands of notions, and every kind of thread you can imagine for machine sewing and needlework, as well as loads of embellishments, buttons, stitch kits and other great stuff. We also sell Janome sewing machines and service all brands of sewing machines and sergers right here in the shop.
How long have you been sewing or quilting yourself?
I've been doing it forever. My first needlework project I finished at 10 (years of age). I design my own patterns and sell them on a craft-based website.
Do you have a special talent related to the business?
I'm really good at colour—for example, finding the perfect piece for a quilt project.
Where do you hope to be five years from now?
I'd like to be more active with my online sales, and maybe double my total sales within five years.
Is e-commerce a big part of your business?
Yes, but it fluctuates. The spring is slower; by late fall it gets busier. I sell off my website, on eBay and on Etsy. I have done all of the basic web design (for my new website) myself, using a great content management system called Magento, which offers a really great platform—they give you the technical stuff and you make it pretty.
How can people contact you?
Our address is 907 Spokane Street, Trail, B.C. V1R 3W7. The telephone number is 250-364-1744 and the fax number is 250-364-1764. My website address is