That Maglio magic
Maglio Building Centre puts the customer first

The gang at Maglio's Building Centre in Trail.
Maglio Building Centre has had a presence in the Kootenays for over 30 years. The store has two locations in the region, in Trail and in Nelson. It provides all aspects of materials and supplies for building, plumbing and flooring projects, along with quality tools for the job.
Carpenter Louis Maglio founded the Nelson store in 1976 after a decade serving as Nelson's mayor. In 1980, Maglio joined forces with Tim-BR-Mart, enabling even better customer service at great prices.
The Maglios did not stop there. When Schneiders Building Supplies came up for sale in Trail in 1997 after over 40 years in business, Maglio Building Centre (Trail) was launched. These days, the sons of Louis Maglio, Tony and Dominic, run the show in Nelson and their brother-in-law Russ Beauchamp operates the Trail store.
Beauchamp credits the company’s longevity in business to superior customer service. The family’s philosophy centres around the customer as a priority.
“We have enjoyed success because we value our clients and give them great service and pricing,” he said. “I have a great team where everyone works together to give the client what they want as much as we can."
He has noticed that business has started to pick back up after a few slower years.
“Trail is a nice, small community that respects people and business,” said Beachamp. “We are lucky as we are in a protected area for the most part.”
Beauchamp said that Maglio Building Centre provides a broad selection of building materials for both residential and commercial projects. With a knowledgeable team to ask for advice and access to both stores, customers can get the help they need, whatever their project.
Check out their website for information on products and services and you will also find tips and guidance for building.