A new approach to economic development
Trail's economy stands to benefit from these initiatives

Trail is a pleasant community with many opportunities for economic development. — Brian Findlow photo
Working collaboratively with Lower Columbia communities and their respective local agencies, organizations and businesses, the Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation (LCIC) strives to develop and implement strategies to strengthen the local economy. Overall, the LCIC’s objective is to create a cohesive, comprehensive, region-wide approach to the challenges and opportunities of economic development in the Lower Columbia region.
An example of this approach is the Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) program, which emphasizes the necessity of conducting personalized business visits in order to better identify and address the needs and opportunities of Lower Columbia region-wide businesses.
Specifically for 2012, the BR+E program will focus on the following three objectives:
Local action
In order to respond to local business needs and/or development opportunities, where
appropriate, the BR+E program will strive to identify the needs, concerns and opportunities of existing local businesses.
Expansion, relocation and/or retention
To assist with their expansion, relocation and/or retention opportunities, the BR+E program will endeavour to learn of local businesses’ future plans and assess where assistance can be provided.
Pro-business communication
To demonstrate the Lower Columbia region’s pro-business attitude, the BR+E program will develop an appropriate means of communication with local businesses.
With these objectives in mind, the LCIC will fulfil the mandate of its parent organization, the Lower Columbia Community Development Team, to provide economic development services and serve as the “first place of call” for business as local opportunities develop to nurture healthy region-wide economic development.
The LCIC leverages taxpayer money by working with all levels of government, and local agencies and organizations to implement change and achieve local goals. The LCIC shares information with other service providers and works with other groups and agencies to advance local projects and economic priorities.