Are you BC’s Chamber of the Year?
The Chamber of the Year winner will be recognized at the annual AGM in May, presented by the BC Chamber of Commerce.

The BC Chamber of the Year Award is proudly presented by the BC Chamber of Commerce, representing over 125 Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade across the province. — Photo: BC Chamber of Commerce
Calling all Kootenay and Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerces - are you BC’s Chamber of the Year? Now is the chance to showcase the exceptional work that is done every single day throughout our local communities, and to represent and highlight the outstanding talent that our area possesses.
Newly revamped for 2017, the Chamber of the Year Award is about encouraging and inspiring organizational and business excellence. Presented by the BC Chamber of Commerce, the largest and most broadly-based business organization in British Columbia, we represent more than 125 Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade across the province. This year, thanks to our partnership with Chris Browes from Kubera Payments, there is a cash prize for the 2017 Chamber of the Year!
So tell us: We want to know how your Chamber #gotitdone last year! We are asking you to tell us one thing you and your Chamber did incredibly well last year. Did you create an innovative new program that’s getting headlines? Collaborated on an economic development strategy in your local community? Perhaps took a stand and advocated on an important issue? To help inspire your nominations, you may want to consider tailoring your submissions into one of the following themes:
Members: Your #1 customer
- The work of a Chamber or Board of Trade starts and ends with your members— this is your opportunity to show off how you made business easier for your members.
Taking a Stand
- This is about showing leadership and being that most valued voice of business in your community. Did you initiate an especially important policy initiative in the last year? Do some great advocacy work on behalf of a member?
Shared Partnerships
- You appreciate that sharing expertise and resources is often a better way to create serious impact – the spirit of collaboration is alive and well in your chamber! What value was created through partnership for your members?
Show off the hard work your local Chamber has excelled at throughout the year - nominate yourself or a neighbouring Chamber of Commerce or Board of Trade. Submissions must be received by the BC Chamber of Commerce by March 31, 2017. For submission guidelines, visit the BC Chamber of Commerce website.