Podcast—The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in Nelson, BC
In this episode of Kootenay Business Podcast, publisher Keith Powell, talks with Tom Thomson, Executive Director of the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce.

Tom Thomson, Executive Director of the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce.
In this episode of Kootenay Business Podcast, publisher Keith Powell, talks with
Tom Thomson, Executive Director of the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce.
Here are some highlights from this episode of the Podcast....
- With more than 500 members the Nelson Chamber of Commerce is one of BC's most dynamic Chambers.
- Tom Thomson explains why Nelson is a great community to do business in, live and raise a family.
- Nelson has grown over 3% in recent years and serves a catchment area of 18,000 to 20,000 people in Nelson and Kootenay Lake.
- The Chamber of Commerce is located in the newly renovated CPR station, a beautiful and historic heritage building built in 1901.
- The renovation project took over three years and had a budget of $1.6 million. Work continues to finish up the west end of the building.
- The new home of the Chamber has improved the visitor experience and created employment with a new retail coffee operation -- Rail Town Coffee.
- Nelson is a recognized hotbed for entrepreneurial start ups and a vibrant retail and manufacturing sector.
- Nelson is enjoying a steady visitors season and anticipates a strong shoulder season as well for 2017.
- Nelson offers tremendous 4-season lifestyle opportunities
We would like to thank Tom Thomson for being our guest on Kootenay Business Podcast.
Watch for future episodes of the Kootenay Business Podcast as we interview economic development and business leaders throughout the Kootenay region.