Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett Special Guest on Podcast
We are pleased to have the honourable Bill Bennett as our special guest.
by Keith Powell

Bill Bennett
Welcome to a special edition of the Kootenay Business/Canadian Mining and Energy Podcast. We are pleased to have the Honourable Bill Bennett -- Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review for the Province of British Columbia as our special guest.
Here are some highlights of what Minister Bennett discusses on this Podcast edition.
- Discusses the progress being made on the Site C Dam project in Northeast BC
- His positive outlook for the mining industry in 2017 -- with increase in commodity prices
- States that mining generates a lot wealth for society
- Talks about several new mines that have opened in BC and that seven mines have opened since 2011
- Highlights the importance of the oil and gas industries to Northeast British Columbia
- States that we need to find and access new markets for the oil and gas industry to prosper
- Talks about the importance of getting oil and gas to west coast port facilities
- Discusses the Columbia River Treaty and believes the agreement will be renewed with a few tweaks
- Talks about the importance of the Columbia River Treaty for flood control and power generation for the Pacific Northwest
- Calls on industry and schools to help raise the awareness of the importance of mining and the product it produces for our modern way of life
- Talks about his pride in representing the Kootenay East riding and the accomplishments he has played a role in -- like the
- East Kootenay Regional Hospital, continued College of Rockies expansion, and the Highway #3 corridor and bridge improvements
- Reflects on 16 years in government and his upcoming retirement. Looking forward to spending more time with his wife and family.
- He anticipates serving on some boards, or consulting for the mining or energy industries in a small way
- He express overwhelming gratitude for the opportunity to serve his Kootenay East riding for over 16 years.
We thank the Honourable Bill Bennett for being our guest on this edition of our podcast.