Keynote speakers in Nelson

Dr. Morgan Dehnel, (left), and chemist Keith Klimchuck, (right); keynote speakers at the i-Tech Trade Show in Nelson, B.C.
Don’t miss the second annual Kootenay i-Tech Trade Show and Luncheon in Nelson, Wednesday May 23rd at the Prestige Lakeside Resort.
This celebration of Kootenay innovation will feature a mini trade show and luncheon with keynote speaker Dr. Morgan Dehnel of Nelson’s D-Pace Technology, Keith Klimchuck of Teck’s business development unit and David Savage of the Kootenay Leadership Institute.
Dr. Dehnel, as the owner of D-Pace Technology, is involved in particle accelerator technology. Though his company is based in the West Kootenay, he does business around the globe. He will speak to the topic, "How technologies can thrive in the Kootenays and still do worldwide business."
Keith Klimchuck will speak about Teck’s new projects and the business opportunities that have and could be spun off of Teck’s rare metal processing. Klimchuck is chemist at Teck and will bring a unique insight into the Kootenays' largest employer.
There will also be an informative panel discussion with Kootenay entrepreneurs and innovators.
Kootenay i-Tech Trade Show and Luncheon event details
When: Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The luncheon starts at 11: 45 a.m.
Where: The Prestige Lakeside Resort in Nelson, B.C.
Register early and double your chances to win a new Samsung Galaxy Tab—one of the hottest selling new tablets on the market.
To register call Kootenay Business today at 1-800-663-8555.
$25 registration includes lunch. Seating is limited.