Cleanline Automotive finds green alternatives
Stephanie and Aaron Van de Kemp bring eco-friendliness to the world of auto repair

Stephanie and Aaron Van de Kemp are the owners of Cleanline Automotive and your green team for auto repair in Invermere, B.C. — Kerilyn Pitaoulis photo
Stephanie and Aaron Van de Kemp presented their first “baby,” Cleanline Automotive, to the public on April 11, 2012—and they have an actual baby due in June.
Opening Cleanline Automotive has been a labour of love for this Ontario couple who recently settled in Invermere. Their eco-friendly automotive repair store is a natural fit for the Van de Kemps, who love the outdoors and are diligent about minimizing their personal environmental footprint. The response to their business has been strongly positive among local residents.
Stephanie gets excited when she’s on the hunt for green products to stock on Cleanline’s shelves and use in the shop. An example of such a product is windshield washer fluid, which the couple buy in bulk to eliminate the accumulation of recyclable plastic jugs. The Van de Kemps are exploring the possibility of making this washer fluid available for sale to individuals who bring in their own empty bottles. They have also switched from lead wheel weights to zinc ones, for environmental and economic reasons.
Using and stocking environmentally kind products that perform well and are cost effective for their clients in the long term is the Van de Kemps’ goal. The baby they are expecting in June gives them an immediate reason to achieve a cleaner, healthier environment.