Golden is the bomb
Larry Sparks describes his work with Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council and what it is he loves about Golden

Larry Sparks enjoys outdoor pursuits in Golden. — Photo courtesy Larry Sparks
If you have an innovative, knowledge-based business idea in the East Kootenay and need some help to develop it, look no further than Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC).
The non-profit council, formed in 2006, is committed to facilitating innovative new business, and to the development of science and technology in the East Kootenay region.
Larry Sparks is the executive director of Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council, and his background is in tourism development and entrepreneurship. Though KRIC's base is Cranbrook, Sparks himself works out of Golden.
“We help with economic development and support services for innovative and science entrepreneurs,” said Sparks. “Clients speak initially to me because everybody needs something different, and then they are introduced to targeted assistance.”
The business coaches help entrepreneurs identify business needs and next steps, discussing with them options, start-up and growth tips, business plans, growth and human resources issues, and they help with information about funding and other services.
Sparks said KRIC is there really to keep clients on track.
“Do they have intellectual property protection? a business plan? financing?” said Sparks.
Sparks, who has been with the organization since 2010, was drawn to the region for its recreational offerings.
“I came to Golden for the rivers, and stayed for the skiing,” said Sparks.
He said he used to spend summers in Golden and winters in Fernie, and is now full time in Golden.
“Geographically it is utopia for me—as well as from the wilderness and outdoors perspective,” said Sparks. “If what Mother Nature offers is good for you, then Golden is the bomb.”