Growing with Investors Group
A career with Investors Group means support and entrepreneurship while working to help others succeed
For Investors Group consultants, providing holistic financial planning means a career helping individuals meet their goals and find financial security.
“The most important thing is to really understand what's most important to the client,” said Bill Hughes, Regional Director for the Kootenays with Investors Group Financial Services Inc. “What are they trying to achieve? It's not just about investing, it’s about looking at the overall financial health of the person.”

Emily Tucker, Cash Diet Coach
It’s one aspect of the job that Investors Group Consultants find fulfilling. Emily Tucker, a Consultant in Nelson, B.C., agrees. She has developed the cash diet, a cost-free, four-week program that she offers to help people get their financial situations on track. As someone who is passionate about helping others succeed, she likes to say that she’s not just in the financial business but is in the business of building relationships.
A flexible future
Tucker came on board with Investors Group when she was transitioning back into the workforce after being home with her three children. Consultants work under the company but are self employed. She said a strong Consultant is a self-starter and a long-term thinker.
“Ultimately I'm building my own practice,” said Tucker. “Yes, I work a lot, but I can also be flexible. So I can be there for my family but also have the ability to build a business and produce the income that my family is going to need to grow.”

Blake Martindale, Certified Financial Planner
Blake Martindale, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) with Investors Group in Cranbrook, B.C., also said that work freedom and making a real difference in the lives of his clients are the things he most appreciates about his career path. Martindale graduated from university with a management degree but knew he wanted to return to his hometown and the Kootenay lifestyle.
Becoming an Investors Group Consultant allows entrepreneurs to start their business while also receiving incredible support from industry professionals. Most Consultants have the a CFP designation or are involved in the program. Investors Group now covers the costs for its Consultants becoming CFPs, showing how serious the company is about investing in its representatives. There is plenty of support in place for these new business owners.
“Like anything worth doing it is challenging for sure, but the rewards far outweigh the challenge,” said Martindale. “We're not left in the dark by any means. You're starting a pretty challenging career, but you're certainly not doing it by yourself, even though we are self employed.”
Fulfilling work
Consultants with Investors Group come from a wide range of backgrounds. Hughes said that many entrepreneurial attributes such as interpersonal skills, integrity, a dynamic personality and credibility are also great traits for a financial Consultant. After a long career with what he calls the best in the business, he certainly has no regrets about working with Investors Group. For dedicated professionals, it can offer personal success and a wonderful opportunity.
“It's been the best career decision I've ever made,” said Hughes. “The training that I got and the skills that I've acquired over the years have exceeded my expectations. It has helped me personally grow a great practice, and the company has helped me also help a lot of people to improve their personal situation. I really passionately believe that everyone should have the right to financial independence, and most people don't know how to get there. To me, it's bigger than just a job—the job satisfaction that you get for helping people is incredible. Most people don't really understand this whole business and we specialize in it.”