Growing smarter
Parastone’s Veneto Place will make Fernie real estate attainable for more people—and support quality of life

Veneto Place embodies Fernie's smart growth aims as outlined in the OCP. — Darrel Dennahower photo
Fernie’s official community plan (OCP) outlines growth principles for a time when attainable housing has become an issue. Objectives include housing for all income groups, a range of housing types and opportunities to “age in place.”
Endeavouring to align with these principles, Parastone Ltd. developed Veneto Place in partnership with B.C. Housing, Columbia Basin Trust, the Fernie Family Housing Society, East Kootenay Community Credit Union and the City of Fernie.
The development consists of 45 units in three buildings, 24 of which are for sale; 12 are accessible rental units and nine will be options for those most at risk for housing.
Simon Howse, general manager of Parastone, said, “Primary reasons for creating Veneto Place were providing a private market solution to a public need, while generating further employment opportunities for existing employees as well as those seeking employment in the construction industry in Fernie.”