Cranbrook chamber autumn events, 2018
While they await the arrival of their new executive director, Cranbrook’s chamber board and staff are busy serving the members

Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce staff Michelle Doll (L), administrative assistant and Laura Kennedy, office manager, look forward to the arrival of the chamber's new executive director, Kristin Parsons, in mid-November. — Marie Milner photo
The Small Business Week 2018 Business Showcase was an exciting new event produced by the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce for its members and the public. The event took place from 3 to 7 p.m. on October 18 at the Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort in Cranbrook. It was an opportunity for local businesses to showcase their products and services to other business people. It also featured three 25-minute presentations: Employee Recruitment and Retention, How to Get the Most Out of Social Media Marketing, and Succession Planning for Your Business. It was also a networking opportunity with refreshments and appetizers.
The Cranbrook chamber made a presentation at the 2019 B.C. Budget Consultation Public Hearings in Cranbrook on September 25. Chamber vice-president, Jason Fast, made the presentation, speaking mainly about the Employer Health Tax. The presentation also recommended that the 2019 budget signal a commitment by the provincial government to a tax-competitive environment—that the provincial government support tax measures and budgetary decisions that will maintain the province’s strong credit rating, and that the provincial government fully commit to making British Columbia a competitive place in which to invest in order to secure its economic future.
“For the municipal election we did something different this time,” said Laura Kennedy, office manager of the Cranbrook chamber. “Rather than a forum, we prepared meet-the-candidate videos for viewing on our website. All of our members and the public had the opportunity to check them out at their leisure.”
At the chamber’s monthly luncheon on November 21, people will have the opportunity to meet and hear from the chamber’s new executive director, Kristin Parsons, and the new Cranbrook Tourism executive director, Kristy Jahn-Smith.