BC Hydro and Tree Canada to support Cranbrook beautification project
BC Hydro and Tree Canada will be providing up to $6,500 in funding toward a beautification project in the City of Cranbrook
Cranbrook Mayor Scott Manjak (centre) joins Diane Tammen, community relations manager with BC Hydro (right) and City of Cranbrook communications officer Chris Zettel (left) to review plans for the east entrance beautification project. — Sally Masters photo
The City of Cranbrook was successful in its application for support—under BC Hydro and Tree Canada—to beautify an area on the east entrance to Cranbrook on Highway 3, between the current "Welcome to Cranbrook" sign and the overpass to Kimberley.
BC Hydro and the Tree Canada Foundation administer the Re-greening Program and work directly with municipalities to support tree planting in urban areas.
The grant funds are dependent on the pending 2012 budget approval of council in the New Year, with city funds coming from the 2012 capital program.
“The partnership program encourages slow, low-growing vegetation near power lines to help restore and retain green biomass within communities,” said Diane Tammen, East Kootenay community relations manager. “Over the past 20 years BC Hydro has provided financial support for community tree planting in East Kootenay communities and throughout the province.”
“The City of Cranbrook and its residents wish to thank BC Hydro for their support of this east entrance beautification project,” said mayor Scott Manjak. “Once again BC Hydro has demonstrated they are a great corporate citizen. I also want to thank Diane Tammen for all of her work.”
Public Works intends to irrigate the grass portion of the site from the Cranbrook sign to the pump house location. The remainder of the site will be cleaned up, have irrigation installed and will be replenished with low-growing trees and shrubs. Work is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2012.