Kanas Corporation brings new possibilities to Cranbrook’s former Canadian Tire location

Affordable housing, creative workspaces, a craft brewery all potential ideas for former Canadian Tire building and property

Old Canadian Tire building in Cranbrook

Cranbrook's former Canadian Tire building and property have been sold to a Calgary-based development company. — Julie Matchett photo

The former Canadian Tire building on the corner of Victoria Avenue and Kootenay Street in Cranbrook has sat empty for a number of years, but now a Calgary-based development company has stepped up and bought the property.

The Kanas Corporation purchased the property in early November and has floated ideas for mixed uses that include housing. That’s good news, given the recent release of the City of Cranbrook’s 2020 Housing Needs Report. The need for housing in the area, both immediate and in the future, cannot be understated.

While plans for the former Canadian Tire building and property are still in the planning stages, one possible option may be adding residential units to the north side of the property, along with a creative venture such as a craft brewery or other similar workspace. Given the property’s location to key community amenities, such as Tamarack Centre and the East Kootenay Community Hospital—as well as a main highway—this could prove to be an excellent addition to Cranbrook’s future housing and development plans.

As a company dedicated to the long-term sustainability of its projects as well as reducing its environmental footprint, Kanas Corporation aims to provide “healthy homes” to clientele, ensuring that residents are comfortably occupied. For now, the next step for the newly-acquired property will be to add a solar panel array to the current building in order to reduce energy consumption. Future steps will include consultations with all interested parties, the development of a master plan for the property, zoning applications to allow for a mix of uses and changes to the Official Community Plan.

Founded in 1996, Kanas Corporation incorporates innovative, progressive building methods into their structures, focusing on superior building envelopes and durable finishes. The company has a 20,000-square-foot fabrication facility and provides in-house drafting, design and engineering services. With an extensive portfolio of past projects, the company has proven expertise in developing and building units for both commercial and residential purposes.

Julie Matchett

Julie Matchett is a writer and content coordinator for KPI Media. She ranks as a 7 on the Introversion vs. Extraversion scale out of 100, which might help to explain why she chose a career of quiet contemplation as opposed to public speaking. View all of Julie Matchett’s articles

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