Kaslo & Area Chamber of Commerce

Learn about Kaslo's chamber of commerce and how it supports the business community

The Kaslo & Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that supports and advocates for the local business community. It provides opportunities for networking, it encourages collaboration and big-picture thinking, and it speaks on behalf of the business community at the provincial level when local concerns need to be heard. 

Kaslo and Area Chamber of Commerce stats:

Administrative Manager: Alana Jenkins

President: Cassie Gerretsen

How many members: 98

When established: 1898   

Cost of annual membership: $65.00 (Not for Profit) $100.00 (Business)

Find the Kaslo and Area Chamber of Commerce:

Address: PO Box 329, Kaslo BC V0G 1M0
Phone: 250-353-3145
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.kaslochamber.com
FaceBook: https://facebook.com/kaslochamber

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Key annual events and promotions sponsored by the Chamber:

  • May Days
  • Light Up!
  • Choose Local
  • Great Gift Giveaway
  • Caught in the Act!
  • Kaslo ArtScape—coming soon in 2021
  • Kaslo Anthem Contest—coming soon in 2021
  • Chamber Cash
  • Bi-annual Chamber & Village Council Walk

Promoted Kaslo businesses