Kaslo & Area Chamber of Commerce
Learn about Kaslo's chamber of commerce and how it supports the business community

“Some would tell you 2020 was better than 2019. Much of Kaslo did well last year. Expect the same this year.” — Karma Halleran, Kaslo Chamber of Commerce president — Photo courtesy Kaslo Chamber of Commerce
The Kaslo & Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that supports and advocates for the local business community. It provides opportunities for networking, it encourages collaboration and big-picture thinking, and it speaks on behalf of the business community at the provincial level when local concerns need to be heard.
Karma Halleran, president of the Kaslo Chamber of Commerce, highlights new programs being implemented, including Kaslo ArtScape and a Kaslo Anthem contest
Read full articleKaslo and Area Chamber of Commerce stats:
Administrative Manager: Pat Desmeules
President: Karma Halleran
Vice-President: Kul Nijjar
Treasurer: Jeff Davie
Secretary: Dana Blouin
Members-at-Large: Paul Hinrichs and Cassie Gerretsen
How many members: 98
When established: 1898
Cost of annual membership: $65.00 (Not for Profit)
$100.00 (Business)
Find the Kaslo and Area Chamber of Commerce:
Address: PO Box 329, Kaslo BC V0G 1M0
Phone: 250-353-3145
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.kaslochamber.com
FaceBook: https://facebook.com/kaslochamber
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Key annual events and promotions sponsored by the Chamber:
- May Days .. postponed for 2021
- Light Up!
- Choose Local
- Great Gift Giveaway
- Caught in the Act!
- Kaslo ArtScape—coming soon in 2021
- Kaslo Anthem Contest—coming soon in 2021
- Chamber Cash
- Bi-annual Chamber & Village Council Walk