Calling all Old English Car Buffs

A special show of English Cars is being held in the beautiful town of Kaslo. — Photo courtesy Cliff Blakley
Looking for something totally unique? Love old cars? Then you might not want to miss this new event in Kaslo.
The Kootenay branch of the Old English Car Club of BC, is putting on a special show of English Cars in the beautiful town of Kaslo area on Sept. 27 and 28th. With the support of the city of Kaslo, the Kaslo Chamber of Commerce and many interested businesses and individuals, they are displaying the vehicles on Water Street behind the Kaslo hotel with the SS Moyie Paddlewheeler and the Kootenay Lakes backdrops. The Car Club is hoping for a good turnout as this is the first show they have put on in the West Kootenay.
The Kootenay branch of the OECC of B.C., has been going for almost 2 years and have participated in many local shows and had a couple tours to show off our prize possessions. They are trying to reach the West Kootenay English Car Enthusiasts and hopefully this show will help let them know that the club is around.